About Us
Mission and Philosophy
Dillon Elementary School District recognizes that there are students with exceptional intellectual and creative abilities that vary from those of the general population. We are committed to making the necessary accommodations for these students. The primary goal is to provide services that are commensurate with student academic needs and foster a positive self-image. The program focuses on the development of intellectual skills, intellectual curiosity, and responsibility while encouraging originality and creativity.
The term ‘gifted and talented’ means children of outstanding abilities who are capable of high performance and require differentiated educational programs beyond those normally offered in public schools in order to fully achieve their potential contribution to self and society. The children so identified include those with demonstrated achievement or potential ability.
Identification Process
Students can be referred for identification for services by teachers, counselors, and parents. The measurement tools we use for the identification process include:
Advanced (Level 4) scores in both areas of the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment, as follows:
3rd grade – ELA 2490 and above, Math 2501 and above
4th grade – ELA 2533 and above, Math 2549 and above
5th grade – ELA 2582 and above, Math 2579 and above
Advanced scores (Level 4) in one area and high proficient (Level 3) in the other area of the Smarter Balanced Assessment
Verbal and Nonverbal scores on the CogAT assessment falling at or above 90%.
Our goal is to accurately identify our gifted students so we can provide services for them.
Professional Development
Professional Development will focus on instructional delivery and curriculum modification and will be aligned with the Dillon Elementary SD goals.
Program Evaluation
The evaluation of the program will include identification of gifted students, professional development, and assessment data. Input from teachers, parents and students will be included when appropriate.