About Us
The Dillon Elementary School District has created a direction for the district to strategically focus its resources on identified wants, preferences, and needs of its community. The district desires to provide for the educational needs of the whole child to prepare them for their future.
We know that in order for our students to excel, we need to be flexible and innovative in meeting the needs of our students. We have continually adapted to the current environment. We also recognize that with innovation comes experimentation and we have allowed ourselves the ability to experiment to continually improve our school and our programs and services offered.
Kids are Our Priority
We are a positive voice for kids and for our public education system. Every decision made is with the best interest of our kids at the forefront. We believe that every student, if given the support they need, can be successful. To that end, we strive to…
See a 5% increase in extracurricular participation from AY 2021-2022 to AY 2023-2024 (2 years)
Community and Parents/Guardians are Engaged
We value the positive attributes of our community and appreciate that the community supports our school and our students. We respect the important role that parents and families play in the lives of our learners and work to collaborate with families to support student well-being and success. To that end, we strive to…
Effectively communicate to parents and to the community the great things that are happening in our schools by providing a once monthly insert to the Dillionite. This will allow us to enhance our relationships and have greater involvement and interactions with parents and the community.
Maintain a 90%+ attendance rate for K-5 parent-teacher conferences and increase participation by middle school parents by 5%.
Staff Professionalism
We believe that an exceptional staff is the heart of an outstanding school. We acknowledge that in order for our students to succeed, we all need to be role models by being honest, showing respect and compassion for one another, be open-minded and understanding of others, exhibiting pride, celebrating our successes, and be life-long learners. To that end, we strive to…
Expect employees to maintain high standards of honesty, integrity and impartiality in the conduct of district business.
We expect staff members to set a good example for students in every way possible.
Professional Development
We prioritize professional development in an effort to keep our already well-trained teachers growing and learning in order to meet the ever-changing needs of our students and the field of education in general. To that end, we strive to…
Gifted and talented
Mental health
New curriculum (only for staff implementing new curriculum)
Have 90% of certified staff and 50%+ of paraprofessionals attend at least one of each of the following trainings offered during AY 2021-2022:
We provide relevant and timely professional development opportunities for our staff to maximize the effectiveness of our teaching and learning techniques for the benefit of all students. 100% of staff will be informed about possible professional development as opportunities arise.
Trauma-responsive training will be offered to 100% of staff in order to provide strategies to meet the needs of students who have, and possibly continue to, experience trauma.
Leadership is Fiscally Responsible
We understand that, as a District, we are responsible for the fiscal condition of the district, the well-being of our students, our curricular offerings and the overall impact that we can have on students on a long-term basis. We embrace this responsibility and understand our accountability to our students, parents, staff, and community. To that end, we strive to…
We take responsibility for and accept accountability for the fiscal condition of the District. The budget will be balanced at the close of each fiscal year.
The climate that we have created is one where students thrive in their education, they feel safe while they are with us and they have access to the best facilities, staff, education and environment that we can provide.
Each and every student that is served by Dillon Elementary Public Schools has access to highly-effective staff and a personalized education and exits our school system with the guidance and tools necessary to be successful in the future.